ZBT #229: Cease Fire In Iran // The Grossest Things You've Seen In The Military

ZBT #229: Cease Fire In Iran // The Grossest Things You've Seen In The Military

ROUND 1: It feels like we can finally take a little bit of a deep breath about the situation in Iran and Iraq and we are gonna tell you why and where we go from here.

ROUND 2: Our social media guy Kyle asked you guys, “What is the most disgusting thing you witnessed a fellow service member do?” and my God… you nasty, nasty little worms… Your answers made us throw up in our mouths a little bit, but we can’t wait to share them.

ROUND 3: There was geolocation Drrrr-RAMA after a Lance Corporal’s cell phone gave away the position of his entire Marine unit during an op. Nobody wants to be that guy.

ROUND 4: It was good vibes all around when103-year-old WWII veteran, Peter Fantasia, finally received his combat medals a whopping 75 years after his heroic actions as a medic on the front lines of France. Peter Fantasia, that’s music to our ears. (lololol)

ROUND 5: Courage is not the absence of fear but rather moving forward despite fear. Does the ZBT squad have the courage to take on a challenge the likes of which have never been seen? We shall see in round 5.

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